The Better Technology, the Better Health
The application of RFID technology has been viral since the first time it was invented in 1971. This thing is due to the high functionality that this technology has. That’s why many people from the different backgrounds are trying to implement this technology into their field. So, we can find the RFID application in several parts of discipline such as education, welfare, communication, transportation, security, etc. But, in this case, we are going to talk about the application of RFID technology in one essential aspect of life, healthcare. Yes, RFID is also applied in the field of healthcare. So, how is the RFID application in healthcare works and how the mechanism of it? Below is the explanation of it.t is generally known that healthcare is industry which needs precision to make sure every single procedure is well-applied. So, the patient safety can be guaranteed.
For over years, healthcare has been using human being to take care of all procedures and make sure that everything is running well. But, the thing about human resources is that they have limitation in several aspects.
That’s what makes us can’t avoid many error possibilities when we’re using human to take care all of the stuffs. So, here comes the idea of employ the RFID application in healthcare industry. And to give you a better view to this matter, gere is the explanation of it.
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