Manager smart cards Administrator's Credit Cards ( ATC ) Tarija , Alex Arias, said that determining the Supervisory Authority Financial System ( ASFI ) perished within December 31 and from January 2, 2014 , all people who have not executed the renewal of your card can not perform transactions at ATMs or points in the banking system, which automatically seizes the magnetic stripe cards , "he said .
He explained that the change of magnetic cards, both credit and debit cards, microchip system was performed for free until December 31 . Now the cost is between 50 to 70 bolivianos , the bank where the service is made. According to the manager of the ATC in Tarija, this process had an increase of 70 to 90 percent , depending on the bank.
Arias explained that migration card is intended to provide greater security to the beneficiaries of the financial system and avoid card cloning swipe , remembering that the procedure indicates that the client should approach the bank with your document identity and debit card customer service platform , and the change takes place immediately.contactless cards