While converged smart cards access projects could leader to broader identity management initiatives, a basic converged access solution requires only four important components to acquire a project started.
1.The very first required element is really a credential management system providing you with a single platform for issuing and managing devices and credentials over their lifecycle.
2.Second, the credentials themselves are most likely absolutely essential. Most organizations initially require multi-technology cards in order to more seamlessly support multiple reader technologies when they move toward a much more standardized reader type or using PKI at the door.
3.The next vital element may be the card reader. Options are for sale to desktop/laptop, general-use and multi-technology smart card applications. ENJOYRFID's pivCLASS readers are also available to allow U.S. government departments to support Personal Identification System (PIV) cards contained in the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 201 (FIPS 201) program, without a wholesale "rip-and-replace" of the existing system.
4The last required piece of a converged solution is the ability to create customized photo IDs and encode smart cards for physical and logical access control, typically through a choice of high-definition and direct-to-card printer/encoders.
For a full, converged solution with all the 'bells and whistles', there are a few more options which can provide a well-rounded solution that is second-to-none, including an authentication server that eliminates the vulnerabilities associated with static passwords while supporting compliance with industry and government regulations covering multi-factor authentication, authorization and auditing.contactless cards