RFID Card , Plastic Card
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:: Dual Frequency Card
    :: HF13.56MHZ Card >> Smart card Mifare Ultralight-C HF blank card
HF blank card
- Dimensions: CR80 85.60 x 53.98mm
- Thickness: 0.84 +- 0.02mm
- Material: PVC (option: PET, PC, PET-G)
- Card Surface: Matt/ glossy finish
- Housing: Lamination
- Offset Printing
- Silkscreen Printing
- Magnetic stirp HICO, LOCO
- Thermal print

Blank card EX-factory Price:
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The supply chain

Manufacturers smart cards and retailers certainly gain internal efficiencies from RFID technology, but the supply chain is where all parties can realize serious returns. In fact, the advent of RFID might be the greatest evolutionary step in supply chain management. "You can imagine the efficiencies in the supply chain," says Lalla. "Cycle times, returns…you can tell how long a product or component took at each stage, what its journey was, and where it ended up. This is incredible visibility, giving manufacturers, logistics companies and retailers the rich data they need to streamline processes for maximum efficiency." It also helps to track assets better, for less shrinkage. "Goods are less apt to disappear mysteriously when there is visibility all along the journey," continues Lalla. "In terms of asset tracking, RFID can tell you where everything is at any given time."
At Finnish vehicle Terminal Assistor, Enjoyrfid ID RFID handhelds are used to speed up handling processes, and improve the accuracy and efficiency of their overall operations.rfid inlay
Assistor, a provider of complete logistics for vehicles and spare parts to the Baltic region, sees around 350,000 vehicles move through their facilities yearly. Prior to implementing the mobile RFID system, Assistor utilized a time consuming bar-code and paper-based tracking system to process vehicles. Given the sheer volume of vehicles being handled, the system was prone to errors and inaccuracies, and simply unfit to meet their growing volume of operations and service offerings.
With the mobile RFID system in place, every car entering the terminal has a passive UHF RFID Gen2 tag affixed to its rear view mirror. When a vehicle is transferred during the handling process, information is updated to the ERP system with a quick scan of the RFID tag. The PL3000 links to the back-end system via WLAN or GPRS to allow efficient real-time tracking of operations
Having implemented a system that accurately identifies and tracks their vehicles throughout the processing cycle, Assistor is experiencing a number of significant benefits. For instance, time for processing has been reduced and most importantly errors have been virtually eliminated. What's more, they are able to handle more cars with the same amount of personnel and a reduced margin of error. contactless cards

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