The tags require a magnetic conductor arranged in coils, they work a bit 'like a transformer to transmit energy, but I do not see the bills. UHF chip could be, that the dipoles are ideal, that is, with the antenna half on one side and half on the other, but not always conductors wound in coils ... How the trivial television antennas, those on TV 14 "years' 80. the antenna may be the metal band but it should be "broken" in two.
And then from the pictures shown, the "holes" are not always at the same height, the segments of the UHF tag antenna instead must be identical. And their length is a function of frequency ... always used to the effect "resonance" described before for the tuning of a guitar.
So there are no notes in the chip because you can not see anything with the naked eye, it would cost too much masking them so well and, finally, that way they would if the equipment to read them are not owned by anyone? How could I ever notice that the note is genuine?
And yet it would seem, they say, it is said, that the European Central Bank is considering the possibility of putting on the radiochip in banknotes. At this point it seems a senseless rumor ...
Starting from the considerations we have done, assuming cost improvements for large-scale production, we chip from at least 5 cents, 10 with the antenna and mounting hardware. And then there would be the cost of boxatura, or affixing the same in the bill and being watermarked paper costs would be very high ...
But not only. Do not forget that if you do not tag a bed for 5 years loses his memory and became unusable. In addition to losing the code, it also loses the firmware with the communication protocol ... becomes a useless piece of stone.
All this to the magnetic chips; UHF those have a cost double, if not triple, and can not be used in Italy for strict regulations on radioemission.