To smart cards comply with the new directive, however, the government has the right to ask for a moratorium, which will make it only for outdoor applications: in this way the Ministry of Defence is to ensure the necessary time (two years) to upgrade its radio channels outdoor point-to-point using the same frequencies. As early as next year will instead allow all indoor applications.
The Ministry of Communications must also decide whether to fully liberalize the frequency UDF (as did, for example, for Wi-Fi indoor) or submit any request to a general authorization. The difference is purely formal: the general authorization is required to submit a request to the Ministry of Communications, indicating the place where you intend to radioemettere; if you do not get response within four weeks of the authorization is tacitly granted. This solution would enable the Ministry to exercise greater control over broadcasting, especially in the experimental phase. contactless cards
Today, and for the next 6 months, you can forward a request to the Ministry of Communications of sperimentazionecon the place and the application that you intend to make of the technology. The cost of applying to the trial (always granted for indoor) is a few hundred euro.
Since you are already registered attempts to scam, with substantial demands for money (even up to 20 thousand euro) by operators that promised benefits in obtaining a mysterious "license radioemission UHF," the Ministry stated that there can be no license radioemission since the above would include the exclusivity of the frequency of use: in other words, if an apparatus disturb that frequency should cease the activity (for example, the frequencies GSM / UMTS for mobile telephony), which does not is feasible for the very essence of RFID systems (10 channels available).combo cards